Text: Revelation 1:4-8
I want to look at one of the strangest books in the Bible. The book of Revelation. It strikes us as very strange. But apocalyptic is a distinct kind of sacred writing. There are brief passages in both the OT and NT. It is like our dreams because the language is very symbolic, and any interpretation is likely to be controversial because it is open to a multitude of understandings – some even more fantastic that the source documents!
It may be fun to try to identify the ‘Anti-Christ’ in our modern age or to decode numbers such as 666, but arguably this is to miss the point. It is to indulge in wild speculation and ultimately foolishness. There is a long history of interpretation from the reformers (Pope=Anti-Christ) to Hal Lindsay’s Late Great Planet Earth (Zondervan, 1970). This was a favourite when I first became a Christian.
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