- We pray for the Church Council as they discern the next steps in discerning ministry to the congregation in the future.
- For Darren, Holly and children as they discern their calling as a family.
- We continue to hold in our prayers those in our community who are grieving the death of loved ones, we hold in our hearts Margaret, Ranjini, Pam, Narelle, Noel and their families.
- We continue to hold in our prayers those who are seeking healing at the moment, in particular for Cameron, Michael, Keith, Allen.
We join in prayer with the Presbytery of Canberra Region as we pray for Saltbush – Uniting the Scattered Community
- Pray for the ongoing flourishing of Saltbush as it seeks to shape new ways of being Uniting Christian community.
- Pray for the Saltbush team – Mark, Geoff, Tim and Peter.
- Give thanks for the diverse community that is unfolding around Saltbush and for the ways we can encourage and connect each other.
- In prayer ponder what God is calling us to in the Spirit as a wider church in the times in which we find ourselves
We join with the National Assembly of the UCA as we pray for
- Family, friends and community members mourning the loss of one of UAICC’s founding members Aunty Lucy Lester.
- A renewal of our relationship with all people and all of God’s creation and actions that will help heal our scarred planet.
- Those who are working to make our Church a safe place for all people and for all congregations who are taking part in Child Safe Week.
We join with the World Council of Churches as we pray for Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo
We are thankful for:
- the beauty, natural resources, wildlife and different cultures in these countries
- the produce that small farmers continue to grow amid environmental and other hardships
- the spiritual vitality and growth of the churches and how they are cooperating with each other and those of other faiths and practices
- the relative peace and stability that prevails after long years of civil war and political struggle.
We pray for:
- more democratic governments that are free of corruption and that prioritize what the people most need
- those working to alleviate the poverty, illiteracy and hunger that so many in these countries still experience
- churches faithfully bringing the gospel to, and serving, all people with greater respect for how those of other faiths express their spirituality
- emotional and physical healing, and restoring hope in people who are victims of conflict, disease and human rights abuses
Continue to pray with the WCC by using their Ecumenical Prayer Cycle resources