For our GUC Community:
- We pray for Jenny and Ashley Best as they find themselves in the midst of John’s death.
- We pray for other people we know who this Christmas share with family in friends in the midst of grief.
- We pray for those children we provided gifts for as part of Angel Tree, for Agape Home in Thailand, for sponsor children members of the congregation have and for those people who whom our Christmas donations go.
- We pray for each other over this time of rest, travel and new year.
- We pray for our Christmas worship, the community who will attend, and for our worship leaders over January.
- We give thanks for the year we have had as a Christian community and pray for the year ahead.
- We are mindful of the wider church at this time, made up of different denominations, people and traditions, in different countries, languages, and colours.
- We pray for those church’s we have been a part of or visited throughout our lives.
- We pray for message of the Christian Church in a diverse and changing world.
- We give thanks for the gospel, the good news, of Christ, for all people.