Welcome to Gungahlin Uniting Church
Welcome to worship today. At Gungahlin Uniting we usually have morning tea in the middle of worship, so today we all worship together to begin, then share in morning tea, followed by various groups. Oasis (Primary aged children) will meet following morning tea with Jenelle in the courtyard rooms at the end of the hallway. Billabong (High school youth) will meet with their mentors. A message reflecting on the Gospel reading, song and prayer, will continue in the main worship space.
Easter Worship at Gungahlin Uniting
Easter Thursday 28th. March – 8pm.
A service with Taize songs and communion.
Good Friday – 9.30am.
A service of music, readings, and communion, followed by hot cross buns.
Easter Sunday – 9.30am.
A service of singing and celebrations at the risen presence of Christ!
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