Sunday 30th October, 12 noon at Ginger and Spice.
Come and join us for friends, good conversation and delicious food. More information needed? Ring Marion Watt.
108 The Valley Avenue, Gungahlin, ACT 2912
Sunday 30th October, 12 noon at Ginger and Spice.
Come and join us for friends, good conversation and delicious food. More information needed? Ring Marion Watt.
This is not so much a meeting, but an opportunity to consider our life and organisation as a church. This is the time when we elect those who will serve on our Church Council, which oversees the life of our congregation. This is the time when there can be open discussion about matters of our church life. This is a time to encourage your church just by being there and participating.
Please plan to attend, following worship, on Sunday 6th November.
9:30am All Age Worship – Communion & BBQ
Rev. Mark Faulkner & Brett Marshall
Bible Readings
Joel 2:23-32; Psalm 65
2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18; Luke 18:9-14
Sunday morning worship…. is at 9.30am. This Sunday I will be leading all of our worship and Brett Marshall will be preaching. Our Billabong Group (Youth) meet with their Mentors after morning tea.
I look forward to seeing you.
9:30am All Age Worship – Communion & BBQ
Rev. Mark Faulkner
Bible Readings
Jeremiah 31:27-34; Psalm 119:97-104
2 Timothy 3:14-4:5; Luke 18:1-8
As we didn’t have communion last Sunday, this Sunday we will have all age worship, share in communion and follow it with morning tea and a BBQ lunch. Because we all worship together when we share communion Oasis will not begin this Sunday, but the next. The day is going to be sunny and warm and a great day for Christian community and worship together. I look forward to seeing you.
Girls’ Brigade is a ministry of Gungahlin Uniting Church that operates internationally in conjunction with many Christian Churches of all denominations. Girls’ Brigade seeks to develop girls and young women in life and leadership skills and team work, whilst developing meaningful and supportive relationships, within a fun, safe and secure environment.
We are a community on a journey, we’ve grown from a small faith community planted in Ngunnawal in the early years of Gungahlin’s development to a thriving inclusive, intergenerational & multicultural community. As Gungahlin has grown we have seen a lot of change.
We are an open and inclusive community, everyone is welcome to use their gifts in worship, prayer, leadership, hospitality and teaching.
Every Sunday, 9:30am
Gungahlin Uniting Church and Community Centre
108 The Valley Avenue
Gungahlin, ACT, 2913
Worship is for all ages, (0 to 93!) and seeks to be meaningful in different ways for us all.
In Jesus Christ we see how he drew near to each and all and so we hope our worship expresses this nearness too.
We worship at the Gungahlin Uniting Church & Community Centre.
Find us on Google Maps here
Free parking is available in our on-site car park.
Light Rail
We are less than a 5 minute walk from the Gungahlin Place Light Rail Station.
The ACT has a number of bus options for people travelling around, or to Gungahlin. Timetables available here.