Food Garden Outreach
Are you aware we have an active food garden? Here are some pictures of what the garden has produced.
The food garden was established in 2015 with the aim to engage and create community with the view to providing vegetables to the Mustard Seed Food Pantry.
We are looking for gardeners, people who have a passion for community outreach or people
who just have a wish to get involved and learn more about/help with growing vegetables and composting etc.
If interested, please see contact the Church Office.
Community Prayers – October 1, 2021
We continue to pray for those in out community grieving the loss of loved ones
We continue to pray for healing for those who are unwell, who are going through cancer treatment and for those caring for them
we hold in our prayers this week the teachers, students and staff of the schools in the ACT who are preparing for going back to online learning next week, and face to face later in the term. We hold year 12 students in our prayers in this time also
We pray with the congregations of the Canberra Region Presbytery as we pray for the Yarralumla congregation.
- Our minister Riana Kok is completing her ministry at Yarralumla at the end of September and moving to Melbourne.
- We will now be forming a settlement committee and undertaking the necessary planning and deliberations in seeking a new minister
- Zoom services are keeping us in touch on a weekly basis and we welcome our visiting preachers each week
We join with the National Assembly of the UCA as we pray for
- Older people in our families and communities. May we celebrate their contributions, listen to their experience and learn from their wisdom.
- A commitment from Australian and global leaders to take action on climate change and make decisions that will protect the future of all God’s creation.
- Those still trapped in Afghanistan who are fleeing danger. We pray they find safe passage, protection and welcome.
We pray for our world as we join with the World Council of Churches and pray for Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela
We are thankful for:
- the beauty in these countries, including in their people and cultural traditions
- persistent, patient, prophetic work of churches and ecumenical and other organizations, to establish peace with justice throughout the region, especially in Colombia
- resistance to past colonization, and to practices of today that prioritize economic ideologies over the needs of the people
- efforts by churches and people of goodwill for inclusive and respectful relations in society and government.
We pray for:
- the continued pursuit of peace in Colombia, the fulfilment of agreements reached, the reintegration of insurgents into society, broad and inclusive dialogue for justice, and fair compensation of those victimized by conflict
- the strengthening of democratically elected governments in the region, without pressure from outside interests
- greater respect for the human rights of all, especially vulnerable populations and those who work for the wellbeing of others and of the environment
- an end to the corruption in these societies, and to unsustainable exploitation of their resources.
Continue to pray with the WCC by joining their Prayer Cycle here
Free food and essential items for Canberrans in need during lockdown
The ACT Government has responded quickly to provide emergency food relief for Canberrans most in need during this lockdown.
The ACT Government has partnered with VolunteeringACT and the State Emergency Service to provide emergency food to those in need.
Any Canberran who is significantly and adversely impacted by this lockdown and is unable to feed their family is encouraged to call 1800 43 11 33
Callers will be linked with a VolunteeringACT staff member who will place a shopping order on their behalf and members of the SES will then collect the order and deliver it to them.
The SES are unable to enter a person’s home, so the groceries will be left on the doorstep after a knock at the door.
Free food and essential items for Canberrans in need during lockdown
Church Council Summary – 21 June 2021
Church Council (CC) met on 21 June. Some of the key outcomes included:
- A draft Pastoral Care plan was recently distributed for consultation. CC agreed that comments should be provided by 11 July.
- CC to follow up with a number of groups from the Mission and Vision workshop on taking key areas forward.
- One proposal from the Mission and Vision workshop to see if a community group might be interested in developing the vegetable garden as a community garden was raised. It was agreed that the group responsible for this recommendation could further explore this option to see what it might entail. At request of the Worship Committee, CC will meet with them following CC’s July meeting to discuss their role (CC will first consider the issue at their July meeting).
- A new church sign has been designed. Further consultation is underway with the Mission and Vision workshop group responsible for raising GUCs profile in the community.
- Budget: doing better than expected. Income is higher than originally expected as Navitas has gradually increased their hours (at the time the budget was prepared, rental income was minimal). Expenditure on electricity and cleaning is less than predicted. Depreciation, roof repairs and audit fees are together significant upcoming costs.
- The auditor has completed the 2019/20 audit of GUC’s accounts with no adverse comments.
On behalf of the Gungahlin Uniting Church Council
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