In the rush and noise of life, as you have intervals,
step home within yourselves, and be still.
Wait upon God to feel God’s presence.
This will carry you evenly through your day’s business.
William Penn
Our world is full of sounds, we rarely sit in complete silence.
Can you find the time today to sit in one minute of complete silence, what about 2? what about 5?
- How long could you survive without silence?
- When do you have space for silence in your life?
- Are you comfortable with silence, why/why not?
God can be found in silence, the Hebrew Scriptures tell of a time where God met Elijah in silence, read 1 Kings 19:11-15, what does this story have to say to you?
How could you organise space for silence in your daily life this week? This month? This year? At school, home, work, in your community, in your neighbourhood, in nature, as you eat or walk…
Sally Douglas has put together a great reflection and invitation for people to experience and enter into silence as a spiritual practice. You can follow this link to her video and invitation.