Welcome to worship this week, in this time you’ll be invited to reflect on the scripture for the week, hear words of inspiration, psalms of faith, songs of hope and reflect on our own journeys with fear.
Carve out a space this week, light a candle if you can and use this to help you and your household reflect on your faith and worship the God of creation.
Song: The Sun Will Rise
Call to Worship
Source: Spill The Beans Issue 35
Joseph with his technicolour dream coat
must have felt so very alone.Jesus withdrew to solitary places
intentionally to be alone.Peter went to be with Christ
and then felt incredibly afraid.Jesus disperses a crowd
who were nothing but a gathering of individuals.
Gather today with the worldwide Church
even if you feel alone.Withdraw with intention today to be with God.
If you have any fear,
bring it to Christ that he may help you walk.As the individual that you are,
worship as you can.
Song: Inspired By Love & Anger
Prayer of Adoration and Confession
Source: Spill The Beans Issue 35
You come to us early in the morning;
wind howling, waves crashing,
the world unravelling around us.You come to us walking on the water,
proclaiming peace when
we feel anything but peaceful.Somewhere in our fear,
in our finitude,
we decided that we
must be water-walkers
to earn your love.Forgive us when we step out of the boat
to test ourselves,
to test you,
to shore up our faith,
our egos, our fear.You do not call us out
to test our faith,
you call us out in love,
to be love
and you are ever by our side.Comfort us
when the waves rock the boat.Steady us
when the wind is up,
and our guard is down.Challenge us to live our faith
from grace’s perspective
knowing you match our steps,
stride by stormy stride.Amen.
Song: Let Our Heart’s Rejoice
Song: Wade in the Water
All-Age Prayer
Source: Spill The Beans Issue 35
Jesus Christ,
you know what it is to be afraid
and when you saw your friends soaked and scared,
you came to them.While you were on your way,
you called to them
telling them it was okay to be afraid,
that you were with them on the water.When Peter shouted out,
so excited and courageous,
you invited him to step out
not to prove his faith
but to share your love.And when the fear started
to beat harder in his heart
and his feet got wet with the waves,
you reached out your hand,
loved him,
and together you walked back to the boat.Remind us that we are always safe with you.
Challenge us to make more safe places for each other
especially when we see other people scared.Amen.
Song: Forever by Christ Tomlin
Prayer for Others
Gracious and loving God,
We lift up to you all those who are affected by the corona virus.
For those who are ill, bring them healing.
For those struggling with job loss and isolation,
bring them peace and surround them with people to support them.
For those working on the front lines,
be with them and their families and give them strength.
We pray to you, who walked on water, giver of help and miracle maker,
for an effective vaccine.
Be with our church as we struggle through this time.
Be with those who are planning the recommencement of worship,
filling in the endless paperwork and making tough decisions to try to keep us safe.
Be with each member of our church community
in the waiting, the wondering and the worrying.
Help us to do our best to care for each other
and to put love at the centre of all we do.
Holly Wright, August 2020
Source: Spill The Beans Issue 35
Jesus, you are the Son of God.
Even the wind and the waves,
the stormy seas,
are calmed by your Spirit.We might never walk on the surface of water,
as if immune to life’s troubles,
yet, neither do we need to sink.For you, Lord, are with us.
Your hand is upon us.
Your love is for us.
Your commitment to us is endless.Thanks be to God, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit, today and always.
Song: Christ Before Me
Take Home Ideas
What has kept you from sinking?
Take time to consider (perhaps write down as a list) times in your life when you have found yourself starting to have that sinking feeling. Troubling, challenging times when naturally it has been difficult to cope emotionally and sometimes physically.
We all have these times.
- What prevented you sinking?
- Who stopped you from sinking deeper?
- How did you manage to stay afloat?
Hopefully we recognise the hand of God in those moments.
Be thankful for the people, the self-resilience and the help that was available to you as you managed these difficult times.