Today at Gungahlin Uniting Church
Welcome to everyone who is with us today as we come together to worship God. Everyone is welcome as we seek to be an expression of the breadth of God’s love for all humanity. At Gungahlin Uniting we usually share morning tea in the middle of worship. After this in the worship space, there is an activity for the Oasis group, (Primary aged), and a message from Proverbs and the Gospel of Mark.
Angel Tree Helper
For the past three Christmas periods, Gungahlin Uniting Church has been involved with Angel Tree, which organises a gift to be bought for a child of a prison inmate. The prison inmate indicates what they would like to give to their children, we buy it on their behalf and then we deliver it to the family in the week before Christmas. Often it is a grandmother or a single mother caring for the children, so last year we also organised a small gift of a Christmas cake and some soaps for them too.
Jenelle Martin who organised Angel Tree last year for our congregation is looking for a helper. This person would help wrap the gifts and deliver them. If you would be willing to help please speak with Jenelle (62554006).
Volunteering in our church and election of Church Council
Every year at Gungahlin Uniting we ask people to indicate the ways they would like to be involved in the life of our church. We also ask people to think about who they would like on our Church Council. The Church Council is the group that represents the congregation and oversees all direction, business and, at this stage, the property for us all. It is up to the congregation to consider and discern who should be on our Church Council. Members on the Church Council should be people who have the following skills and gifts.
- Are able to listen and work alongside others.
- Are willing to build the congregation up in faith and love.
- Are able to reflect creatively on the challenges of being the church in a secular society.
- Are able to support the Minister in his role and work.
Next Sunday we will be given the lists of all the ways we can volunteer our time to help along with the opportunity to begin to nominate people to be on Church Council. You are invited to prayerfully discern who you believe have the skills and gifts to be leaders on the Council.
Insights Magazine
Pick up your free copy of Insights today. Insights is published by the Uniting Church NSW Synod and tells us about the events, activities, and life of the wider church.
St Ninian’s Fete – Saturday 3rd November
We have again been invited to hold a stall at The St Ninnian’s Annual Fete in Lyneham on Saturday November 3.
As Spring is upon us it’s a perfect time to clear out your cupboards and drawers of any GOOD quality small goods and brick a brack that you no longer require, Including good quality books, videos and CD’s etc. Your donations can be delivered to Church on Thursday the 25 and Friday 26th between 2pm and 5pm.
We will need a small band of volunteers to help us on the day so if you can assist please place your name on the sheet that is in the foyer.
For further information, please contact Lynne Kenney.