Welcome to Gungahlin Uniting Church
Today in worship we all gather as one. Young and old, people from all nations, people of different understandings, long-time members and newcomers, we all gather to worship God. In worship today we receive communion and everyone is invited to come forward to share in the bread and wine. Following worship there is morning tea and a light BBQ lunch to which you are all invited.
A Lenten evening with meal and meaning
This Lent you are invited to come along for a shared evening meal and a time of reflection and worship around the theme: “meeting Christ on the road…” This will be an evening of food, reflective conversation and worship and of course all ages are welcome. Sunday 17th. March, 5-8pm. You are invited to bring a plate of food either from your own culture, or reflecting Middle Eastern food (dips, breads, lamb, vine leaves)… but you do not have to bring food to come along… there will always be plenty.
Open Church Council meeting with the Congregation regarding property.
The Church Council is having an open meeting with anyone who would like to discuss the way we manage our property as a Christian Community. While our property is important to us and enables us to be a significant part of the wider society, it is not who we are and must be an avenue for mission and community. Attending to our property so that it remains safe and well maintained is an important role within the life of our church. The question is how do we do this, while keeping the focus of our property on mission rather than a love within itself?
We also need to discuss how we prioritise property matters in a congregation that has limited funds and what is the best model for a ‘team’ to oversee this work. This matter is a significant part of our life and you are encouraged to attend if you are able. Anyone from the congregation is welcome. Please be assured that attending does not mean you will be expected to be on any ‘committee’!
We meet on Tuesday 19th. March at 7.30pm at the church.
Working Bee
There will be a working bee on Saturday, the 23rd March at 9.30 a.m. and it would be appreciated if as many of the congregation as possible could attend. This will be to have a general clean and tidy of the church and grounds before the Easter services.
Gungahlin Uniting Men’s Breakfast
Come along to share breakfast with each other!
Men’s Breakfast – Next Saturday
16th March from 8.45am
Siren’s (corner of Anthony Rolfe Avenue and Gozzard Street, Gungahlin)
Please put your name on the lists in the foyer if you’d like to come along.
BBQ Helpers Needed!
Would you be willing to help out on the BBQ every now and then? If so, please speak with Bob Lehman.
Boys’ Brigade Australia – 8th Canberra Gungahlin
Boys’ Brigade provides boys with a mix of fun, adventure and challenge. BB mentors and empowers each member to reach for their potential, building their resilience and enabling them to find their place in leading and impacting their world today and into the future.
With a Christian foundation, Boys’ Brigade has a proven track record for reaching out to the local community providing balanced 4-sided developmental programs (Physical, Spiritual, Educational and Social) for young people of all backgrounds, abilities and interests. BB broadens their horizons and skills with local, national and international recognition for their achievements.
Boys’ Brigade starts again for 2013 from Wednesday 13th February, 6:30pm – 8:00pm at Gungahlin Uniting Church. It is open to all boys aged between 6-18 years.
For further information please contact Bruce Warren 6242 9282, email 8thCanberraBB@gmail.com, or come along to find out what its all about.
Lenten Giving at Gungahlin Uniting
Each Lent we usually give up something, or raise some money for someone, but this Lent we are encouraging some simple giving. You are invited this Lent to particularly donate to our food supply. Each week over the past month people have come asking for food. As well, it will not be long before we begin to operate our food store. So when you are at the supermarket, put in an item or two for others, then bring your grocery items along to church! Here are a few ideas:
* Pasta sauce | * Tins of stews | * Toilet paper |
* Pasta | * Weetbix | * Tea/coffee |
* Tins of fish/tuna | * Long life whole milk | * Tins of spaghetti or baked beans |
* Sandwich spreads (Vegemite/Jams) | * Tins of fruit |