Welcome to Gungahlin Uniting Church
Every week at this church there are new people as well as those who have been here for many years. There are young and old. There are many different traditions and cultures. Together we make a Christian community. Welcome to everyone.
Today our Minister meets with the Billabong (Youth) in the first half of worship while worship is led by Margaret Reeson. Then we will have morning tea in the middle of worship. After morning tea we all meet back in the main worship space. Today there will be no Oasis group (primary aged children).
With Love to the World
The latest edition of With Love to the World is now available in the foyer. With Love to the World is a short daily devotional guide with a reading, reflection and prayers suggestion for each day of the week. The readings each week match the readings we often use in church on the Sunday. If you would like a copy feel free to take one. If you would like to put $4 in the box next to this month’s edition that would be welcomed.
First Sunday Café
Tonight, from 6.30pm, at the Fortune Box, Gungahlin, First Sunday Noodle Café is on for anyone in year 9 or older.
Working with Vulnerable People License
If you are a leader in OASIS, BILLABONG (leaders and mentors), BOY’S BRIGADE, PLAY GROUP (leaders and grandparents), or a MUSTARD SEED UNITING FOOD PANTRY VOLUNTEER (on the days it is open), then please read this!
The ACT government is requiring all volunteers and paid employees who work with vulnerable people to become registered and get a license. There is a form to fill out which then needs to be submitted to get your license.
All volunteers for the food pantry also need to fill out a volunteer agreement form that relates just to the pantry.
All the forms, including an information sheet, are in the foyer on a table. If you are volunteering on the food pantry you need one pile that has the food pantry form on top.
This may sound complex, but it’s what we have to do and helps us feel confident in the part we play within our community life.
If you have any questions please see Alison McKenzie.
Food, Poverty and Faith – Bible Conversations.
Three Bible Conversations around the themes of Food, Poverty and Faith. Sunday afternoons at Gungahlin Uniting, 19th., 26th. May, and 16th. June. 4.30 – 6pm.
Three themes to help us reflect on these social issues in the light of the Gospels particularly as we come to opening the Mustard Seed Uniting Food Pantry.
Week 1. Food. What are some of the issues facing our world in terms of food production and justice? How ethical are we in our thinking about food? Is there anything relevant to this in the Gospels?
Week 2. Poverty. Is poverty inevitable? Is poverty someone’s fault? How do we impact on the world’s poverty? Is there anything relevant on this in the Gospels?
Week 3. Faith. How is our faith touched by these issues? Do we really believe God is working in our world for good, or is that just hope? What do we read from the life of Christ on the matters of faith, poverty and food?
All are welcome.