Welcome to Gungahlin Uniting Church
Today in worship we all gather as one. Everyone is welcome as we gather as a Christian Community to worship God. Our Congregation is made up of many different people from diverse backgrounds, languages, traditions and theology and together we gather as one. At Gungahlin Uniting we usually have morning tea in the middle of worship. This week in the first half our Minister, Mark, will meet with the youth (Billabong year 6+) in the courtyard rooms. After morning tea Oasis (Primary aged children) are welcome to meet in the courtyard rooms while the rest of us meet back in the worship space to reflect on God’s word for our lives.
Lent at Gungahlin Uniting Church
Lent is a time of 40 days before Easter and is part of the church throughout the world. In lent we reflect on the journey of Jesus towards the cross and it is a time for us to ponder our journeys and faith.
This year Lent begins on 5th. March, which is called Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday there will be a short gathering at 7.30pm here at the church for anyone who wants to come along. At that service we recall our own mortality as we start the journey with Christ towards the cross. Each Sunday in Lent we will also have a member of the congregation share a little of their life and faith journey. This is an opportunity for us to acknowledge that the Christian walk takes many paths and that faith weaves throughout all things. At the end of Lent we have Easter Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. I hope you will join us for the journey.
Wednesday 5th March | Ash Wednesday – 7.30pm |
Sunday 9th March – 6th April | All age worship with life and faith journeys |
Sunday 6th April | First Sunday Converse and Café with Lenten theme |
Sunday 13th April | Palm Sunday – 9.30am |
Thursday 17th April | Easter Thursday – 8.00pm |
Friday 18th April | Good Friday – 9.30am |
Sunday 20th April | Easter Sunday – 9.30am |
Ash Wednesday this Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent (This Wednesday 5th.) Traditionally in the church, Ash Wednesday has been a day of reflection and confession as it begins the time before Easter when we remember Jesus drawing closer to his own death on the cross. On Ash Wednesday, at 7.30pm, I will hold a meditative service with communion for anyone who would like to come along. Again, anyone can come along and is welcome! If you have any questions about Ash Wednesday or Lent please feel free to speak with me. Mark.
First Sunday Converse and Cafe
Starting the first Sunday of March!
6 – 7:30pm on the first Sunday of each month. Starting at Gunahlin Uniting then concluding at a local cafe! An opportunity to gather for simple Christian community followed by a meal at a local cafe! No singing! No sermon! No pressure! No patter! Everyone is welcome!
Lawn Mower Needed!
The Church needs a ‘new’ second hand lawnmower in reasonable condition considering the rough terrain. If you have one just hanging around please talk to Mark Faulkner or Mark Phythian.
Message from the Moderator
Dear Friends in Christ,
In the last few days we have all been dismayed at the events unfolding on Manus Island, resulting in injury to many and the tragic death of a young Iranian man, Reza Berati. He came seeking safety and protection but instead met an untimely death. As a nation we must do better than this.
Last Sunday night I attended a memorial gathering of some 5000 people at Town Hall square in Sydney organised by the grass roots advocacy organisation Get Up. The meeting was addressed by many leaders of churches, other religious organisations and some who had been refugees. At that gathering I committed the Uniting Church Synod of NSW and the ACT to continue to work for a more humane and compassionate response to asylum seekers. With both our major political parties implacably committed to a policy of deterrence that will require enduring hope, perseverance and a readiness to join with others of good will.
As part of our Give Hope campaign we will act as a Synod, with the help of the Social Justice Forum of UnitingCare NSW/ACT, and in partnership with others. But our congregations can also speak into the public arena in their own right. In Isaiah we read: “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow” (Isaiah 1:17). The fatherless and the widow were emblematic of the most vulnerable in the society of the time. Surely asylum seekers belong in that group in our world community today.
One simple way we can speak into the public square is by placing messages of support for asylum seekers on church noticeboards or signs. Churches without signs might consider making their own banners. Exactly what is said will be a matter for each congregation to determine. But I encourage each congregation to consider this as one concrete action they can take in support of the Give Hope campaign. Perhaps we could resolve to display a different message each week for the month of March.
As an alternative, UnitingCare NSW/ACT has agreed to fund the production of a professionally produced banner with a message of support for asylum seekers. If your congregation would like to take up this option please contact socialjustice@unitingcarenswact.org.au or contact Jon O’Brien, Social Justice Advocacy Coordinator on (02) 9407 3225.
In coming weeks the Give Hope team will distribute a kit of material to congregations outlining other actions they can take to raise awareness, provide practical support for asylum seekers and advocate on their behalf. As I have said this issue will require sustained effort so the words of encouragement in Galatians 6:9 are fitting: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”.
Regards and blessings,
Rev Dr Brian Brown | Moderator
The Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of NSW and the ACT
t 02 8267 4324 | f 02 9261 4359
e moderator@nsw.uca.org.au @BrianBrownUCA