Welcome to Gungahlin Uniting Church
Welcome as we begin another term and to the Christian community life of Gungahlin Uniting. Each week during term we usually have morning tea in the middle of worship. After morning tea there is Oasis (for Primary aged children) and for our Billabong Group (Youth) there are various ways or participating. Today is Mentor Sunday and our Billabong Group meet with their mentors. After morning tea in the main worship space there is a time for prayer, readings and the message. Please feel at home and welcomed!
First Sunday Converse and Café – Next Sunday, 3rd
Converse and Café is a time of conversation and reflection, music to listen to and prayer. Following we walk down to a local café for a light meal. Everyone is welcome to this relaxed and open time.
Congregation Meeting to discuss the 14/15 budget
Following worship next Sunday 3rd. there will be an opportunity for anyone who would like to meet to discuss the budget. We have this congregational meeting each year to ensure that we are on track in terms of our finances and to offer our support to the treasurer and Church Council as they have prepared a budget for the year to come.
Food Pantry Volunteers
The Mustard Seed Uniting Food Pantry is doing very well and growing. Each week our food pantry is open on a Thursday from 11am-1pm & 6-7pm. The food pantry relies on volunteers, but it is a great way to be involved in your community and your church and is very rewarding. If you would like to talk about volunteering on a Thursday, please speak with Susan Kemp or Shirley Williams.
Rubbish Bins
The Rubbish Bin committee has met and after getting a consultant to undertake a full review and cost benefit analysis and present a report with detailed footnotes and indexation it has been decided unanimously that we don’t need to take the bins out each Sunday to the kerb. Thankyou to all who have helped do this over the past years, but now the rubbish truck (which is smaller than a usual rubbish truck) will come in and the driver will roll out the bins for emptying!
With Love to the World
The latest edition of With Love to the World is available in the foyers. With Love to the World is a publication of the Uniting Church and has daily readings focused around the Bible readings we have each Sunday. As well as the readings there is a short reflection and some prayer suggestions. With Love to the World is a good way of spending a short time on some days reflecting about your faith. If you would like copy there are in the foyer on the table near the door. Please take a copy and make a donation of $4 if you are able.
Myung Hwa Park – Closure of ministry
Myung Hwa has now completed her Chaplaincy responsibilities at ANU and the University of Canberra prior to taking up responsibilities as Moderator of NSW/ACT Synod. Her Closure of Ministry Service for ministry with St Columba’s and City Congregations will take place 3pm on Saturday 30th August at City Uniting Church, 69 Northbourne Ave Canberra. Myung Hwa will be installed as Moderator on Friday 26th September at Turramurra Uniting Church, 10 Turramurra Ave, Turramurra NSW.
In the Quiet Room, you will find a bookcase with a range of books. They are all pre-loved books, mostly with Christian themes, that the previous owners are happy to share with you. Feel free to browse any time, or take a book home to read. You will find devotional books, biographies, social commentary and other material.
Message from Maggie
Hello everyone this is your greeting from Namibia, I hope the Congregation is doing well, I am doing fine also just busy, this week I had two tutors from UC who come to Namibia to give classes. I have given them two small candles and a material for the Alter, but somebody needs to make it look nice, I was going to do it but I did not had time.
Cheers to all,