We need a quick working B, even though it is short notice, just to help the school students along with the Food Garden.
Basically this is to fill the beds with more dirt and construct a gravel path from the current paving to the gate.
Saturday 5th September 2-4pm
Barrows, shovels and gloves would help, but there are some available already on site. Please come along and help!
The Amaroo students have now planted some seeds in the glass house at Amaroo to be transplanted to the Food Garden in a few weeks.
The Department of Education and Amaroo School heads will be visiting on Friday 25th September.
In this past week we have also had a phone call from the Snow Foundation to which we applied for some grant moneys to help establish the garden.
Thankfully they will fund between $12,000-$15,000 to pay for the fencing, water tank, shed etc. Wonderful news! Thank you for your support!