9:30am All Age Worship
Rev. Mark Faulkner
Bible Readings
Jeremiah 23:1-6; Luke 1:68-79
Colossians 1:11-20; Luke 23:33-43
This Sunday, 9.30am, we gather for worship which will include our Service of Commitment to Christ. This is an opportunity to acknowledge all the gifts that each of us bring to our Chrisitan community and through it to our work in the world. We will also pray for our Church Council elected to serve in 2017. After morning tea Oasis (Primary aged) will gather preparing for Christmas and Billabong (Youth) will meet with Rowan and Margaret Ford.
Church Spring Picnic, this Sunday, 3pm @ Black Mountain Peninsula. Come along for a relaxed gathering by the lake! Bring a rug, or chairs, and whatever you would like to drink. The church will provide fruit and slice/cake to share. Here’s the flyer with the map! If anyone wants to bring a cricket ball, bats, stumps, helmets, leg guards, mouth guards, and an umpire’s whistle you would be welcome!
I look forward to seeing you.