9:30am Palm Sunday – All Age Worship
Rev. Mark Faulkner
Bible Readings
Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
Matthew 21:1-11
Hello friends
This Sunday….. Palm Sunday, 9.30am, is all age worship including communion followed by morning tea and a BBQ lunch. A great time of Christian community to which all are invited!
This coming Thursday, 8pm, we have a meditative gathering as we recall the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples. Foot/hand washing is offered for anyone who would like as well as sharing communion around the table.
Good Friday, 9.30am, we gather to read through the last days of the life of Jesus and to recall the significance of his death on the cross. This is followed by morning tea and hot cross buns.
Easter Sunday, 9.30am, we gather to celebrate the life of Christ, and the new life he brings through the resurrection. Again followed by morning tea.
Of course, all are welcome, both to come along, and to invite others.
I look forward to seeing you.