Church Choir
Now that we have a permanent building and piano, I would like to form a more permanent choir, which would sing for some services during the year. The first performance will be on Palm Sunday. If you are interested in being in the choir, we will be practising on the 1st and 3rd Thursday night of each month from 8:00pm to 9:30pm.
The first practice will be on the 3rd of March. Please talk to Rob Tanton (6242 9450) if you are interested in joining, and if you have any ideas for music to sing.
Ash Wednesday Devotion
This Wednesday 9th March is Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the 40 days before Easter Sunday, and is traditionally a time of reflection and a time to acknowledge our struggle in life and faith. This year we will have a short Ash Wednesday Devotion for anyone who is interested from 5.30pm – 6pm, here at the church.
This Wednesday 9th March, anyone who would like to come along for this quiet time of reflection and devotion is welcome.
Throughout Lent in our Sunday worship we will also prepare ourselves for Easter where we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Lent Reflections and Conversations
This year throughout Lent (the weeks leading up to Easter), on Sunday evenings, there will be an opportunity to ponder the last days of the life of Jesus Christ. There will be DVD presentations that take us to the very locations in Jerusalem that were a part of Christ’s life, along with a time of discussion and reflection.
This group will be suitable for people who are new to the faith or people who have been Christians for a long time. It will also be a good group for older High schoolers and adults. An email will be sent out to the congregation with more information, but I hope to begin this series of exciting reflections on Sunday 20th March.
1-2-3 MAGIC – Effective Parenting for 2-12 year olds.
This is a “one-off” parenting course, suitable for parents, grandparents, and people who work with children, held at KUC one Saturday afternoon each term.
The next one is on 2nd April, 2-5pm.
For more information, to register, or to offer to help with child-minding, please contact Chris on 62540262.
New 2011 GUCCC Directory
It’s time to update our directory, which is then printed in paper form and also emailed out to those who want a soft copy. In the foyer you will find on a table a rough copy of all the names of people who belong. Please use the red pen to add, change or remove information next to your name. Please do not change other people’s information. Please sign next to your name once you have checked your information. Remember you can include as much or little information as you wish and signing it means you are happy for us to include the information you have given. Please don’t be offended if you find errors next to your name, as it is easy to do when entering all the information!
Spring Getaway
This year a small team of people will be planning our Spring Getaway… a time for the whole church community to getaway, relax, refresh as a Christian Community.
If anyone would like to belong to the organising team, which doesn’t mean you have to do all the work, then please put your name on the sheet in the foyer. If you would like to know more, then feel free to get in touch with Mark.
Paint and Play Volunteers
Over the past two years, on Wednesday mornings, our church in conjunction with Gungahlin Child and Family Services runs an open play group in Harrison Park. On a sunny day there are up to 70 children and 50 parents.
The groups runs from about 9.30-11am. and we are in need of some new helpers who would be willing to be on a roster to help out perhaps on a fortnightly basis. Basically there is a little setting up, a little packing up, and just being there to help in between. If you are interested please see Jodie or give her a call (62419492) or you could speak with Susan McCrorie for more information (62424957).