As you are no doubt aware, the ACT now has a Container Refund Scheme. Brigades are very happy to return eligible containers on your behalf. You can place them in a box that will be placed in the foyer, or give them directly to Bruce, Liz or Carrie.
Boys’ Brigade will use their part of the returns to help pay for the older boys to attend National Camps and Leadership Courses. Girls’ Brigade will put theirs towards paying the significantly increased rent at the Salvation Army.
Most glass, plastic, aluminium, steel and paper-based cartons between 150mL and 3L which are commonly found in the litter stream. Containers must be between 150mL and 3L in size; and Glass, PET, HDPE, aluminium, steel or liquid paperboard (cartons). Uncrushed containers are preferred, although crushed containers will be accepted. Containers not commonly found in litter, including all plain milk, flavoured milks 1L and above, pure juice drinks, health tonics, wine and spirit bottles, and cordials are not eligible for the scheme.