For our GUC Community:
- We pray for our Boy’s Brigade Leaders and the boys who attend
- We pray for our teenagers and youth and for Mark, Jacquie, Heather who help with Billabong and for our Mentors from the congregation.
- We pray for those who travel at this time – Betty and Brian Lord – Pam and Frank Thompson – Mark, Elizabeth and Matthew Phythian.
- We give thanks for the turn of the earth, the change of seasons, and any change we enjoy or struggle with in life.
For Presbytery & the wider church: Kippax Uniting Church
- The new UnitingCare Kippax CEO Sue-Anne Muggleton
- Lenten worship and the new Sunday evening Cafe
- Users of the community services of UnitingCare Kippax
- Those gathering in formation forums considering developing areas of ministry
For our World: China, Hong Kong, Macao
- Those suffering unemployment in cities and those who are unable to find homes.
- The rural poor, and those forced to labour in the countryside.
- Refugees from North Korea.
- Women and female children, who do not have equal status or opportunity.
- Those suffering from forced sterilizations, abortions and infanticide.
- A spirit of compassion, tolerance and acts of love for new arrivals in Hong Kong from mainland China.
- Marginalized groups such as the aged, disabled, single parent families, and migrant workers.
- Educational reforms, that they may bring about a holistic approach to learning.
- Miners and all those who face hazardous working conditions.
- A reduction in the amount of pollution and environmental damage.