Vitality of Call review for Rev Mark Faulkner
After being in settlement for four years, every Minister has a “vitality of call” review to reflect on the life of the congregation, the placement of the Minister, and generally how things are going. It is an opportunity for reflection, growth and change.
This review for Rev Mark is to be held at the end of this month. As part of this review, Rev Mark chooses one person to be on the team, the Church Council chooses two people and the Presbytery has appointed two people to lead it; Rev Colin Bradford and Amelia Peisley, a member of St James’ congregation. Mark has asked Chris Dodd and the Church Council have asked Rob Tanton and Helen Lehman. As part of this anyone in the congregation who would like to make confidential comment to Rev. Colin Bradford is invited to do so. He can be emailed on:
It is important that anyone who wants to contribute from the wider congregation take this opportunity to do so.
Groups who use GUCCC
Any church groups who want to use the GUCCC at any time, please contact Marion Watt 6253 9931. This will help us know who is where and that there are no clashes. Also, people who clean can organise when to come in – thanks.
Morning Tea on 10th April
Marion and Jim would like you all to join them for a special morning tea after church on 10th April. The purpose of this will be to celebrate Marion’s 70th birthday.
Lent Reflections and Conversations
This year throughout Lent (the weeks leading up to Easter), on Sunday evenings, there will be an opportunity to ponder the last days of the life of Jesus Christ. There will be dvd presentations that take us to the very locations in Jerusalem that were a part of Christ’s life, along with a time of discussion and reflection.
This group will be suitable for people who are new to the faith or people who have been Christians for a long time. It will also be a good group for older High schoolers and adults. Come along tonight at 6pm for a sandwich meal followed by the study; please bring a plate if you are able.
Lifeline Autumn 2011 Bookfair
The Lifeline Canberra Bookfair is one of the best second hand book sales in Australia, with up to 200,000 books in over 148 categories. You can also find rare and collectable books, numerous magazines, pamphlets, ephemera, DVDs, videos, CDs, records, games, software, and lots more. There will be a special sale on Sunday 26 September for the collectors amongst us, with an eclectic mix of general miscellanea and military reference material for the collector/modeller/enthusiast.
The Lifeline Bookfairs raise a major portion of the funding needed to keep the Lifeline Canberra 24-hour telephone counseling lines available to the community.
Where: Budawang Building, Exhibition Park, Mitchell
When: Friday 25 March, 10am-6pm
Saturday 26 March, 10am-5pm
Sunday 27 March, 10am-4pm
Entry is by gold coin donation.
For more information about the Bookfair, phone (02) 6241 2901, email or view our website at
March – Final Building Pledges Month
Three years ago members of the congregation were asked if they would be willing to pledge money towards the building project. People agreed to give pledges from 2008 to 2011. The final pledges are due this month. Thank you again to those who have already given. This is a reminder to those who made a pledge for March 2011.
Our target for cash gifts was $420,000. So far we have received $377,764. If all anticipated pledges are received by the end of the month we will have a target shortfall of $8,676, a most heartening response. Poor soil, discovered during construction (despite earlier soil surveys) has meant large additional costs for foundations and parking area. These have stressed the budget.
It is understood that some people, including newly arrived members, may like to make a new donation during the month. Thank you very much. This will really help us break the back of this financial load. Donations can be anonymous.
The response from members has been remarkable. We hope a final surge puts this task behind us. Thanks be to God.
Building pledges and donations can be made in the following ways:
- Offering bag in services
Please place in an envelope marked “Building Fund”. - Direct bank transfer
BSB 634-634 (Uniting Financial Services)
A/C number 100037340 - An over the counter deposit in a Westpac branch using the above BSB and A/C numbers
- By cheque, posted to
Uniting Financial Services
PO Box 2178
requesting that it be deposited in investment no. 100037340 for the Gungahlin Building Fund.