Morning Tea Today
Marion and Jim would like you all to join them for a special morning tea after church today, 10th April. The purpose of this is to celebrate Marion’s 70th birthday.
Someone to sew a calico ‘bag’ to fit over the ‘builder’s sign’ at the front of the church so that Easter worship can be advertised. Please see Mark if you have:
(a) calico,
(b) a sewing machine, and
(c) time!
Lent Reflections and Conversations
This year throughout Lent (the weeks leading up to Easter), on Sunday evenings, there will be an opportunity to ponder the last days of the life of Jesus Christ. There will be dvd presentations that take us to the very locations in Jerusalem that were a part of Christ’s life, along with a time of discussion and reflection. This group is suitable for people who are new to the faith or people who have been Christians for a long time. It will also be a good group for older High schoolers and adults. Come along at 6pm for a sandwich meal followed by the study; please bring a plate if you are able!
Easter Worship @ Gungahlin Uniting Church
Easter Thursday
21st April 8 pm
A service with Taize songs and Communion.
Good Friday
22nd April 9.30am
A service of music, readings and communion followed by hot cross buns.
Easter Sunday
24th April 9.30am
A service of singing and celebration in the risen presence of Christ!
WWW (What Women Want) next Saturday
All women and girls are invited for a walk around Yerrabi Pond followed by morning tea next Saturday morning. Feel free to join us for both or either. For those wishing to walk, please meet at 9am at the undercover area near the pond (at the end of Nellie Hamilton Ave). For those who can only make it to morning tea, join us at 10am at Fu’Bar, 59 Nellie Hamilton Ave (which is between Curves and Thai Herb Spice).
A booking has been made for morning tea under “Elizabeth”. If you’d like to come along to either, please speak with Elizabeth Phythian. Hope you can join us!! PS – if the weather is looking dubious on Saturday morning, please call Elizabeth to check if we’ll still be walking or not.
A time to talk!
An afternoon of conversation and reflection on GUCCC, including afternoon tea, will be held on Sunday 22nd. May, 2.30pm – 5pm. Everyone is encouraged to come along.
- This will be a time for conversation; not mission planning or butcher’s paper!
- This will be a time to talk about how we have felt about the past year.
- This will be a time to pray.
- This will be a time to talk with each other about worship, pastoral care, children and youth.