For our GUC Community:
- We pray for the Presbytery as it meets at GUC next Saturday.
- We pray for our Church Council and Chairperson Matt Grudnoff.
- We pray for our afternoon conversation to beheld on 22nd May.
- We pray for those people who are new to the life of GUC.
For Presbytery & the wider church: Monaro Parish
Pray for:
- empowerment of the elders in the newly endorsed Eldership Pastoral Care Program.
- wisdom, insight and creativity in the preparation and planning in the Ministry Development and Church Facility Enhancement Project.
- opportunities to develop Christian capabilities among lay leaders through Leadership Training Seminars.
- continued effectiveness in the spiritual focus of the worship and preaching in both Cooma and Bombala churches.
For our World: Kenya, Tanzania
Pray for:
- Refugees from neighbouring countries, that they may find food and shelter and soon be able to return to their homes.
- Those affected by drought, that they may have clean water to drink and grow their crops.
- Peace among ethnic and tribal groups, so that they may work together to create a just society.
- Churches and church leaders as they seek to fight corruption and promote democracy and good governance.
- Young women forced into prostitution.
- Those suffering from HIV and AIDS, children orphaned by the epidemic, and those who care for them.
- Those who live in abject poverty, many of whom are not able to feed themselves or their families.
- Relief for the people of Africa from the burden of international debt.