To everyone who helped with the Presbytery meeting here last Saturday – cleaning, organising, setting up, cooking, serving! To everyone who helped with the working B – shovelling, raking, laying pavers, organising! It was a big day, but a great example of community work and support.
No power at GUCCC this Friday
Please be aware… This coming Friday 27th. there will be no power at the GUCCC from 8.30am to 4pm as ActewAGL carry out work further down the street.
Oasis this week
This week travellers with GUC Tours and Oasis Travel will be off to explore Damascus. Meet your Tour Leaders at the Oasis sign in the foyer when you hear the announcement. Where have we been, where are we going?
Tea and Flower Roster for the next 6 months
Should you wish to place a simple bunch of flowers on the table on a particular Sunday, to commemorate an anniversary, memorial or special occasion, please give Shirley a ring by Wednesday 31st May. Also, if you would like to join the MORNING TEA ROSTER let Shirley know on 6241 9563.
Mystery Computer
A HP desktop computer and monitor has appeared in the church storeroom and we do not know who it belongs to. If this is your computer or you know who it belongs to, can you please speak to Chris Martin.
A time to talk!
An afternoon of conversation and reflection on GUCCC, including afternoon tea, will be held today, Sunday 22nd. May, 2.30pm – 5pm.
Everyone is encouraged to come along.
- This will be a time for conversation; not mission planning or butcher’s paper!
- This will be a time to talk about how we have felt about the past year.
- This will be a time to pray.
- This will be a time to talk with each other about worship, pastoral care, children and youth.
Grow One 2011
Each year we have an opportunity in this congregation to consider our giving to the church. This we have called Grow One. Your financial giving to the Gungahlin Uniting Church congregation is used in many different ways:
- To employ the Minister
- To support the work of the Uniting Church Presbytery
- To support the Synod. (our congregation supports: Growing New Congregations, Encouraging Young People in the Uniting Church, Ministry with Mental Health Patients and Prisoners.)
- To support the work of Agape Home in Thailand (an orphanage for children affected by AIDS)
- To enable our own work with children, the community, worship & the running and maintenance of our building & administration.
Asking members of the congregation each year what they think they can regularly give helps us draw up a responsible budget and helps us know how much we have to give to each of the areas above. In past years we have asked people to consider growing their giving by one step, but this year we are simply asking people to indicate how much they would like to give, and how they would like to give.
You can choose to give to Gungahlin Uniting Church in a number of ways:
- Direct giving (automatically through your bank)
- By using dated envelopes (one for each week)
- By putting loose money into the offering bags
- By making a donation
On Sunday 29th. May, you will be invited to participate in Grow One and so you are asked to consider before then, your giving to the church and the way in which you would like to give.