Source: Spill The Beans
You come to us early in the morning;
wind howling, waves crashing,
the world unravelling around us.You come to us walking on the water,
proclaiming peace when
we feel anything but peaceful.Somewhere in our fear,
in our finitude,
we decided that we
must be water-walkers
to earn your love.Forgive us when we step out of the boat
to test ourselves,
to test you,
to shore up our faith,
our egos, our fear.You do not call us out
to test our faith,
you call us out in love,
to be love
and you are ever by our side.Comfort us
when the waves rock the boat.Steady us
when the wind is up,
and our guard is down.Challenge us to live our faith
from grace’s perspective
knowing you match our steps,
stride by stormy stride.Amen.