Baptism of Lanna Rose Nouansy Nokham
Today we celebrate the Baptism of Lanna Rose Nouansy Nokham and we welcome Cassandra, Bebe, Thomas and all their family and friends.
Admin Volunteer Needed…
Mark needs some admin help during the week on a regular basis. If anyone would like to volunteer for even just a couple of hours each week then please see him. Primarily it would be for computer work, printing, collating, mailing etc etc etc.
Boys’ Brigade
Next Sunday we welcome the Boys’ & Girl’s Brigade group as they join us for worship and we look forward to hearing something of what they have been doing together.
Grow One
Each year we ask regular attenders to indicate how much they believe they can contribute financially to the life Gungahlin Uniting. We need to do this so that we know how much is coming in so that we are then are able to plan responsible to how much goes out! If you haven’t had a chance to respond please fill in one of the enclosed sheets, place it in the envelope provided and then place it in the offering bag.
Paint and Play volunteers needed
Gungahlin Uniting has two playgroups, one that meets here each Wednesday and one that meets in Harrison Park each Wednesday. The Paint and Play group meets from 9.30-11.00 and can have up to 50+ children with their parents/carers. Parents are responsible for supervising their children, but volunteers are needed to help set up, serve tea and coffee etc. If you would like to be involved in Paint and Play, please see Mark, Susan, Pam or Shirley to find out more.
Gungahlin Uniting Book Reading Group
Meets every second Wednesday night at 8.30pm at The George Harcourt Inn at Gold Creek. Everyone is welcome. Our next book is “Happiness” by Richard Layard. If you are interested please speak with Rob Tanton 62429450