For our GUC Community:
- We pray for our church as we consider our small group life, Belonging, Vision and Mission, our part in this community and the way before us.
- We give thanks that thinking about who we are and how we connect to our community is exactly what the church is called to be.
- We pray for people who may be thinking about their own adult baptism.
- We give thanks for the dynamic changes within the life of this Christian Community.
For Presbytery & the wider church: Murrumbateman Congregation
Pray for:
- Discernment for the future of this congregation preparing for a Consultation in August.
- God’s will in discerning future ministry within this location, remembering that full time placement is not possible without external assistance.
- Christian and spiritual growth of all our members, especially the 2 young people preparing for confirmation.
- A wise church treasurer to be found to fill the present vacancy, and wisdom for the distribution of our financial resources as we approach the end of the fiscal year.
For our World: Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela
Pray for:
- An end to war and violence in Colombia and the establishment of a safe environment for all people.
- The creation of a stable and fair economy in Ecuador.
- An end to corruption by government officials.
- An end to drug production and trafficking, and the availability of other methods of economic activity.
- The indigenous peoples of these countries, who often bear the brunt of poverty amid growing economic disparity.
- Those who are poor, unemployed, and grieving, and those who work with them.
- Those affected by flooding and earthquakes.
- A renewal of faith by Christians in these countries.
- Those kidnapped or held hostage and their families.
- Those who have left their families and friends to go to another country to support those back home.