Elizabeth and Mary
Sunday 20th December
Text: Luke 1: 39-56
The writer of Luke’s Gospel skilfully moves the Infancy Narratives from Mary’s conversation with angel Gabriel to a visit between two pregnant women: Mary and Elizabeth. Two separate story lines now merge as Mary visits her relative Elizabeth.
Mary had been told by Gabriel that her cousin Elizabeth would have a child in her old age. Three months later Mary hurried to a town in Judea to the home of Zechariah and Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s voice the baby in her womb moved. She greeted Mary by recognizing her as “the mother of my Lord” and that she was truly blessed by God.
Mary then sang with joy. It was a song that is sung in churches today called ‘ The Magnificat.’ The song of praise challenged social, political and economic power. It challenged Roman power, and sent the mighty and the rich away empty. Her song of joy included those who were oppressed and that they would find justice. That those who were hungry would be filled with good things.
Mary recognised God’s goodness and God’s promises for a future of Justice and Peace.
Ponder – Joy: Mary sang of her joy in “God my Saviour” who had lifted her from her low status and blessed her.
What words would describe JOY in your life?
Monday 21st December
Ponder – Power: Mary’s song challenged the mighty and the powerful in society and religion.
Do you recognise models of power in your church and society?
Tuesday 22nd December
Ponder – Hunger: Mary sang of God’s care for the hungry and oppressed.
Where do you see hunger or oppression in your neighbourhood or city?
Wednesday 23rd December
Ponder – Vision: The Magnificat presents a vision for Community and Country.
Do you recognise men and women working together for justice and peace?
Ponder – Vision: It is two days before Christmas day. Write a prayer, a poem or a song for our time similar to The Magnificat sung by Mary.
You may wish to share it with a friend or in your church.