WWW (What Women Want) Movie Night – “The Help”
Ladies and Girls please join us on Friday evening the 23rd September at Hoyts Belconnen to see the latest release “The Help”. This movie has got great reviews. We will keep you posted on the time once they are released. Please let Lynne or Elizabeth know if you are coming. We will send you an email once we know final details.
Seven Things to Remember!
1. Today, following worship we have a congregational meeting to discuss the budget for our current financial year. Please stay around to participate and hear how things are going financially.
2. Pick up a form from the foyer to indicate how you would like to participate in our church in 2012! Every year we ask every person how they would like to be involved in the coming year. It doesn’t matter if you have been coming for years, or if you are new, there is a way for you to get involved!
3. Grab a registration form from the foyer for our Spring Getaway – 18th.-20th. November at Fitzroy Falls. A relaxing weekend for anyone who wants to come along. Good food, company, free time, and activities as a Christian Community!
4. Pop your name down on the list in the foyer if you would like to come along to our Curry Night, here at the church, on Saturday 22nd. October!
5. Think about who you would like to nominate for our Church Council. The Church Council oversees the life and work of the church and supports the Minister in his ministry. The Church Council needs men and women who have been a part of the life of our church for a reasonable period, a mixture of ages and gifts.
6. We are looking for a couple of people who would be willing to co-ordinate a new Home Group! Home Groups meet once a month on the third weekend for friendship and fellowship. If you are interested please speak with Mark.
7. Next Sunday Peter and Rachel Carlson from Wycliff Bible Translations will be speaking in our service on their up and coming trip to Papua New Guinea while Mark leads the Life and Witness Consultation for the Queanbeyan Uniting Church Congregation!