For our GUC Community:
- We pray for our Congregation as we begin a busy, but rewarding term.
- We pray for our Spring Getaway on 18th.-20th. November.
- We pray for this term’s Oasis leaders Liz and Bruce Warren.
- We pray for our Home Groups as we change and organise them.
- We pray for our life as a Christian Community.
For Presbytery & the wider church: Yass Parish
Pray for:
- Rejuvenation and relaxation for our minister Apelu and his wife Grace, both overseas visiting family on their annual leave.
- The continuing development of Apelu’s ministry now that he has been ordained.
- Our new executive on the Parish Council: Garry Southwell (Chair), Dorothy Horsman (Sec) and Lesley Cox (Treas).
- The people involved in the preparations for the November meeting of Presbytery to be held in Yass.
For our World: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
Pray for:
- Government stability and the ability of different groups to work with one another.
- Afghan refugees who live in Pakistan, internally displaced people in Sri Lanka.
- An end to violence between Pakistan and India, both nuclear powers, and between Muslims and Hindus.
- Those who must cope with grinding poverty.
- Dalits and others who continue to be socially and economically discriminated against.
- Those affected by flooding, drought, environmental pollution, cyclones, and earthquakes.
- An end to the threat of nuclear war.
- The peace process in Sri Lanka and the cessation of hostilities between the Sinhalese and the Tamils.