Remember our AGM…
Is following worship on Sunday 6th. October and our Service of Commitment to Christ, where we acknowledge the gifts and skills we all share is on Sunday 27th. November. At our Service of Commitment to Christ we also pray for our new Church Council for 2012.
Participating in the life of GUC in 2012
If you haven’t had a chance to fill in your form, indicating how you would like to be a part of your church in 2012, please grab one and fill it in today. There is a box in the foyer for completed forms. Vacancies still exist particularly in our children’s Ministry, Oasis and Billabong, and our Bulletin Editor!
Church Council Nominations!
Each year at Gungahlin Uniting we elect people to be on our Church Council. The Church Council oversees the life, mission and work of our congregation and is an important part of the ‘wellbeing’ of our church as a Christian Community. On the back of your “Participation” form is the nomination form for you to use if you wish to nominate someone to be on the Council. There you will also find the names of those people who have been on the council this past year. Nominations are to be taken seriously and you are asked to consider who you believe has the gifts and skills for this council of the church. As the nomination from reads… “It is also necessary that nominations for a leader within our church be for men and women who have gifts for this role and who have been a part of the Uniting Church for a significant period of time.”
Nominations received so far are: Rosemary Sweet (2 years), Wayne Hart (2 years and willing to serve as Treasurer) and Brian Lord (2 years and willing to serve as Secretary). Heather Lamb remains on Council as she was elected for 2 years in 2010. The Church Council has determined that the Council will be made up of no more than eight members plus the Minister. Nominations close next Sunday 23rd!
Help getting to church
My name is Bella Morgan and I am hoping that someone living in the Nicholls area would be able to pick me up on their way to church on Sundays. I can find my own way home. If you are able to I can be contacted on 6261 4240 at work Mon-Fri 8.30am – 5pm. Or alternatively you could email me at: thanks
Curry night!
Next Saturday night, 22nd. Starting at 5.30pm, you are invited to our Sri Lankan Curry Night! To be held at the church the cost is $12 per adult and $10 per child and you are asked to bring wine and drinks to share. If you would like to come along please pop your name on the list in the foyer today!
Church Camp
18th to 20th November 2011
Spring Getaway is an opportunity for us to spend the weekend relaxing down at Fitzroy Falls. Accommodation is very comfortable, all meals are provided and the surrounds are lush and peaceful. If you haven’t already done so, get your camp registration forms and money to Elizabeth Phythian ASAP. We need all money and forms in by 30/10/11. If you would like to pay by EFT, please see/email Elizabeth for details. For those wishing to camp rather than stay in the cabin accommodation, please ensure you have an updated form (available in the foyer) as the original forms contained an error re the camping costs.
Spice Kids
Spice Kids will meet on Sunday 30th October in the Multi-Purpose Room at church. We will be self-catering, so we need to have numbers by 23rd October. Phone Marion Watt on 6253 9931.
Gungahlin Parenting Expo
The Gungahlin Parenting Expo is on next weekend!
Saturday the 22nd October from 11:00am – 2:00pm
The Gungahlin Parenting Expo is a free event that will provide families with the opportunity to access information; make contact with a wide variety of services including support services, information on parenting, and what is happening for children and parents in the local Gungahlin community.
Local community services, health organisations and sporting groups will be present to inform families about what is available in relation to interest groups, social opportunities and extracurricular programs.
There will be heaps of stalls, free giveaways, free children’s entertainment, activities and community performances. Come on down to the Linear Park in Gungahlin (between the Marketplace and the G) and join in the free activities and entertainment for the family.
Hosted and supported by the Gungahlin Child and Family Centre, Gungahlin Regional Community Service, the Marketplace, the G and Springbank Rise.
Community Vegetable Gardens at GUCCC?
A number of people have independently suggested we might consider using the back part of our land for community vegetable gardens. Community Vegetable Gardens provide a secure space, fenced, with a shed, water, tools, where members of the community ‘rent’ a plot to grow their own vegies. This is particularly helpful for those who love to garden and live in units or town houses. The suggestion has been made that perhaps some of the produce could be given to those in need. Perhaps the shed could have an awning, with a table, providing a space for community friendship.
What do you think? Anyone who is interested in hearing about community gardens, how they work and if it could work for us is invited to an open conversation on the idea; Sunday 23rd. October at 4pm.