For our GUC Community:
- Our congregation at the beginning of 2012.
- Our Children’s Ministry Leaders and groups, including the Billabong youth, Boy’s Brigade, and Oasis. We pray for support and encouragement, leaders and mentors.
- Our Church Council as it begins a new year
- Our Minister Mark and his family
For Presbytery & the wider church:
Pray for:
- Wisdom and strength of our Minister, Rev. Norm, the Lay Preachers
and Elders who serve the Congregations in the Linked Centre - Rev. Aimee Kent as she begins her work amongst the Goulburn
Community to build a New Faith Congregation - The SRE Teachers as they commence a new year working with the
children in our local Primary Schools - The members of Goulburn Combined Church Council as they prayerfully
consider the future direction for the Linked Centre.
For our World: Ireland, United Kingdom
Pray for:
- Immigrants and asylum seekers who seek a better life in these countries.
- Reconciliation and an end to enmity between peoples.
- Strength for those who combat racism.
- Churches which try to be faithful to Christ in the midst of secularization and change.
- Those who feel they have been left behind: the homeless and unemployed, those whose education seems inadequate or their skills out of date, and those who are long-term patients in mental hospitals.