For our GUC Community:
- We pray for those we know who are dying and for their families.
- We pray for people who live in the fringe of society because of illness, addiction, or disability.
- We pray for the leaders of our groups as we begin a new year.
- We pray for our Church Council as it meets this week and for our Chairperson Matt.
For Presbytery & the wider church: Barnabas Ministries
Pray for:
- Sue and Liz in their preparations for the Soul Companion Spiritual.
- Direction course.
- The people God is already preparing to embark on this venture.
- Continued opportunities for Barnabas Ministries to provide support and mentoring for people onthe journey of spiritual discovery.
For our World: Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain
Pray for:
- The Vatican, and all who hold positions of power in the Roman Catholic Church.
- An end to terrorism and violence; solutions to the conflicts with the Basque region of Spain.
- Better use of land, sea and air resources. Wisdom and guidance in dealing with immigration issues.
- Young people, that they may find opportunity in their homelands and renewed hope in Christ.
- The immigrants and the victims of human trafficking.
- The unemployed.
- An end to corruption and crime, so that justice may exist for all people.
- Continued struggles against intolerance and hatred.
- A renewal of the spirit of the church, amid an increasingly secular and materialistic society.