For our GUC Community:
- We pray for our conversation next Sunday about our local mission and the ‘food pantry’.
- We pray for those who are mothers of all ages.
- We pray for our creative worship team and Minister as it prepares for Pentecost.
- We pray for our musicians and give thanks for their contribution to our worship.
For Presbytery & the wider church: Mirinjani Aged Care Village (Weston)
Pray for:
- Great team of Pastoral Care Workers and Pastoral Care Volunteers who serve the residents, families and staff of our facilities.
- Growing connections and reconnections between Mirinjani Village and congregations in the Presbytery.
- Upcoming Memorial Service (May 25) planned for families and friends of residents who have died in recent months.
- Work on the new Uniting Aged Care Development planned for Gordon, ACT.
For our World: Kenya, Tanzania
Pray for:
- Refugees from neighbouring countries, that they may find food and shelter and soon be able to return to their homes.
- Those affected by drought, that they may have clean water to drink and grow their crops.
- Peace among ethnic and tribal groups, so that they may work together to create a just society.
- Churches and church leaders as they seek to fight corruption and promote democracy and good governance.
- Young women forced into prostitution and those suffering from HIV and AIDS, children orphaned by the epidemic, and those who care for them.
- Relief for the people of Africa from the burden of international debt.