For our GUC Community:
- We give thanks for the Food Pantry conversation last Sunday afternoon.
- We pray for wisdom and guidance as we continue to consider the Food Pantry idea.
- We give thanks for the unity we experience in our congregation.
- We give thanks for the many people from around the world who make up our congregation.
- We pray for those who are new to our congregation.
For Presbytery & the wider church:
Pray for:
- Pray for the Staff (James Haire, Margaret Roberts, Lyndon Mayfield and Ray Williamson), Board and Council of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture (ACC&C) and the volunteers as they seek to fulfil the Vision of the ACC&C in its calling in ecumenical activity, indigenous work, inter-faith dialogue and relating Christianity to society.
- Pray for the programs in the coming months, especially for the Ecumenical Course, Conversations in Theology and for programs with local schools and with Indigenous people.
- Pray for PhD and other higher degree students being supervised through the ACC&C.
- Pray for the successful outcome of the Feasibility Study carried out to complete the buildings on the site.
For our World: Botswana, Zimbabwe
Pray for:
- The leaders of government and their success in bringing economic progress, education and health care to their people.
- Landowners and the land workers, and those who are displaced by land reform.
- Reconciliation between the races in Zimbabwe, leading to a society of equality and respect.
- AIDS orphans.
- Hope for those who have little to hope for.