Contributing to the Life, Ministry & Mission of GUC
About 50% of our annual operating budget is made up from the donations and gifts of friends and members. These donations help us connect to the community, coordinate the food pantry, keeping the coffee stocked, maintain the building, pay copyright on music, buy sausages, sponsor new initiatives and pay for staff (amongst many other things).
Many of our members make giving a personal budget line and set up a regular direct debit into the church accounts. Some people prefer to put their cash each week, some do this in a dated envelope.
The church budget includes giving money to the Uniting Church Canberra Region Presbytery and the Synod of NSW & ACT for funding new mission initiatives and staff across NSW and the ACT who are available to support the life of the church.
Our Church Council meets year-round to address issues of stewardship (the faithful use of God’s resources) and sustainability (making sure the church is working in a way that its mission can be carried out in the long-term.
If you would like to support the ministry of the church financially please consider setting up a regular electronic transfer. Electronic transfer through Uniting Financial Services is anonymous. Our electronic bank details are:
Gungahlin UC – Giving Direct
Uniting Financial Services
BSB: 634-634
Account: 100034744